Maserati has launched the second-generation GranTurismo in India. Prices start at Rs 2.72 crore for the Modena variant and Rs 2.90 crore for the top-rung Trofeo variant (both prices ex-showroom, India). Both variants of the 2+2, two-door coupe utilise the same 3.0-litre V6 twin-turbo petrol engine, albeit in different states of tune. They also have various cosmetic and feature differences. The all-electric GranTurismo Folgore will arrive sometime in 2025.Â
- New GranTurismo Modena makes 490hp
- In the Trofeo. V6 makes 550hp, gets sportier exterior, interior
Maserati GranTurismo Modena
The V6 engine makes 490hp and 600Nm in the Modena, with a claimed 0-100kph time of 3.9 seconds. It looks a little more staid than the more powerful Trofeo variant, but 20-inch front and 21-inch rear wheels are standard on both models. Other standard equipment includes a 12.2-inch digital-dial display behind the steering wheel, a 12.3-inch central infotainment screen and another 8.8-inch touchscreen below that for the climate controls. It also gets a digital clock, and an optional head-up display and Sonus fabre audio system.
Maserati GranTurismo Trofeo
The GranTurismo Trofeo gets a higher state of tune: 550hp and 650Nm, and a claimed 0-100kph time of 3.5 seconds. Like its sibling, the Trofeo also gets AWD as standard. More aggressive bumpers, new-design 20-inch front and 21-inch rear alloys, various carbon-fibre elements on the outside, and different upholstery and sportier highlights in the cabin tell the Trofeo apart from the Modena.
Maserati GranTurismo rivals in India
The GranTurismo competes with other GTs such as the BMW M8 Competition (Rs 2.44 crore), the Ferrari Roma (Rs 3.76 crore) and the Aston Martin DB12 (Rs 4.59 crore) in India.
All prices, ex-showroom, India
Also see:
Maserati GranTurismo review: Touring Italian Style