Kawasaki has launched the Ninja ZX 4RR in the Indian market. Priced at Rs 9.10 lakh (ex-showroom), this model is Rs 61,000 more expensive than the ZX4R, which retails at Rs 8.49 lakh. This makes it the most expensive 400 cc motorcycle to be offered for sale in India. For the premium, the motorcycle gets a few new features, along with a new colour scheme. The ZX 4RR will be shipped to India as a Completely Built Unit (CBU) and will be sold in limited numbers.
Also Read: Kawasaki Teases Ninja ZX-4RR For India, To Be Brought In Limited Numbers
The ZX 4RR is offered with a KRT edition paint scheme
The Ninja ZX 4RR has the exact same design as the ZX 4R, save for a KRT edition paint scheme over the ZX 4R’s metallic black colour scheme. The motorcycle continues to feature a 4.3-inch TFT display with Bluetooth connectivity. In terms of electronics, it gets four ride modes- Sport, Road, Rain and Rider, along with Traction control.
In terms of cycle parts, the ZX 4RR features preload-adjustable front forks, along with a fully adjustable rear monoshock setup. The ZX 4R on the other hand, comes with non-adjustable front forks and a rear monoshock that is only preload adjustable. The ZX 4RR retains the same braking system, which consists of 290 mm semi-floating front discs and a 220 mm rear disc. The kerb weight is 189 kg.
Also Read: Kawasaki Ninja 400 Discontinued In India; Ninja 500 To Take Over
The ZX 4RR gets a bi-directional quick shifter, which is not offered in the ZX 4R
On the powertrain front, the motorcycle gets a 399 cc liquid-cooled, inline four-cylinder engine that is tuned for 76 bhp at 14,500 rpm and 39 Nm of peak torque at 13,000 rpm. However, the motorcycle will churn out an even higher 79 bhp of power once Kawasaki’s RAM Air system is activated. The motor is paired with a 6-speed gearbox and a bi-directional quick shifter, which is not offered in the ZX 4R.