Jeep has launched the Meridian X in India at a price tag of Rs 34.27 lakh (ex-showroom). A special edition variant, the Meridian X gets a few exclusive styling cues along with a few additional features. Aside from this, the SUV remains unchanged mechanically, and retains the same powertrain as before. Bookings for the Meridian X are currently open, and it can be booked through Jeep’s website or by visiting a Jeep dealership.
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The Meridian X gets a grey roof, alloy wheels with grey pockets
Visually, the Meridian X gets a few exclusive styling cues such as a grey roof, and alloy wheels with grey detailing. The special edition SUV also gets a range of extra feature additions such as puddle lamps, programmable ambient lighting, sunshades, air purifier, front and rear dash cams, and premium carpet mats. The Meridian X can also be had with a rear seat entertainment package as an option. The SUV will be offered in the same set of colour options as the Limited (O) variant.
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The Meridian X gets a few additional features such as front and rear dash cams
On the powertrain front, the Meridian X remains mechanically unchanged over the standard Meridian as stated earlier. This means it will continue to be powered by the same 2.0-litre MultiJet II diesel engine that produces a peak 168 bhp and 350 Nm. Jeep is yet to confirm if the Meridian X is offered with an automatic or manual gearbox. It has also not specified if the SUV comes with a 4X2 or 4X4 configuration. Jeep claims that the SUV has a top speed of 198 kmph and can go from 0 to 100 kmph in 10.8 seconds.