Hyundai India has launched a more affordable CNG version of its subcompact sedan, the Aura Hy-CNG E, at a price of Rs 7.49 lakh (ex-showroom). This latest derivative, which is based on the entry-level E variant of the sedan and appears to be targeted at fleet buyers, commands a premium of exactly Rs 1 lakh over the equivalent petrol-only variant. It also lowers the entry point to the Aura CNG line-up by Rs 82,000, as the next Aura CNG variant is the SX, priced at Rs 8.31 lakh.
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Peak power figures for the Aura Hy-CNG’s 1.2-litre bi-fuel ‘Kappa’ engine are rated at 67.7 bhp and 95.2 Nm of torque, denoting a drop of roughly 14 bhp and close to 20 Nm compared to the standard Aura. However, unlike the standard petrol Aura – which is also available with an automated manual – the Hy-CNG versions will be offered with a 5-speed manual only.
As for fuel economy, the ARAI-certified fuel efficiency figure for the Aura Hy-CNG is 28.4 km per kg of CNG. For perspective, the certified fuel efficiency figure for its chief rival, the Maruti Suzuki Dzire S-CNG, is 31.1 km per kg.
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At this price, the Hyundai Aura Hy-CNG E is almost Rs 1 lakh cheaper than the most affordable Dzire S-CNG, which is priced from Rs 8.44 lakh onwards. However, it is worth noting the Dzire S-CNG is available in VXI and ZXI trim levels, which are better-equipped and aimed at private-use buyers.