Bajaj Auto has launched the Chetak Blue 3202 electric scooter in India at a price tag of Rs 1.15 lakh (ex-showroom). At this price, the Chetak 3202 undercuts the Urbane variant by Rs 8,000, whereas the Premium trim is at par. The new model will be available for purchase on Flipkart in the coming weeks and will be offered in four colourways: Brooklyn Black, Cyber White, Indigo Metallic, and Matte Coarse Grey. Bookings are currently open on the brand’s website, requiring a token amount of Rs 2,000.Â
The Chetak 3202 gets a larger 3.2 kWh battery pack which is similar to the Premium variant. The range, however, is bumped up from 126 km to 137 km range due to the newly procured battery cells incorporated in the 3202 Chetak electric scooter. As with other variants of the Chetak, this one is also offered with the TecPac Package at an additional cost.Â
Also Read: Bajaj Chetak 3201 Special Edition Launched At Rs 1.30 Lakh; On Sale On Amazon From Aug 5
The new Chetak Blue 3202 will be available for purchase on Flipkart in the coming weeks.Â
In terms of features, the Chetak 3202 incorporates an LED headlight with DRL, connectivity options through the app, OTA updates, and a USB charging port. Moreover, eco-riding mode is also offered as standard along with the reverse function and smart key. The Sport and Crawl mode can be had when opting for the TecPac package, which also comprises hill hold assist and roll-over detection.Â
In terms of rivals, the Bajaj Chetak Blue 3202 will go up against the likes of the Ather Rizta, the Ola S1 Pro, and the TVS iQube in the Indian market.Â
Also Read: Bajaj Chetak To Receive A New Battery Pack With More Range